Musical Terminology: veloce - zögernd

veloce with velocity
velocissimo as quickly as possible; usually applied to a cadenza-like passage or run
vibrato vibrating; i.e., a more or less rapidly repeated slight alteration in the pitch of a note, used to give a richer sound and as a means of expression. Often confused with tremolo, which refers either to a similar variation in the volume of a note, or to rapid repetition of a single note.
vittorioso victoriously
virtuoso (noun or adjective) performing with exceptional ability, technique, or artistry
vivo lively
vivace very lively, up-tempo
vivacissimo very lively
vocal score or piano-vocal score a music score of an opera, or a vocal or choral composition with orchestra (like oratorio or cantata) where the vocal parts are written out in full but the accompaniment is reduced to two staves and adapted for playing on piano
voce voice
volante flying
V.S. (volti subito) turn suddenly; i.e., turn the page quickly
wenig (Ger) a little, not much
wolno (Polish) loose, slowly
Zählzeit (Ger) beat
zart (Ger) tender
Zartheit (Ger) tenderness
zärtlich (Ger) tenderly
Zeichen (Ger) sign
Zeitmaß, or Zeitmass (Ger) time-measure, i.e., tempo
zelo, zeloso, zelosamente zeal, zealous, zealously
ziehen (Ger) to draw out
zitternd (Ger) trembling; i.e., tremolando
zögernd (Ger) doubtful, delaying; i.e., rallentando

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